Become a Teacher » Testing Requirements

Testing Requirements

Candidates must take and pass at least two (2) different TExES exams, including the content exam and the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam. During Phase 2 of the program, candidates seeking EC-6 Core Subjects, 4-8 Core Subjects, 4-8 ELAR, or 4-8 ELAR/Social Studies are also required to take an additional exam over the Science of Teaching Reading. Special Education EC-12, Bilingual Education, and English Second Language Supplemental are certification areas requiring other exams. The Region 7 EPP staff expects the candidate to register for the content exam within five days of being released to take the exam. Candidates must pass the content exam before being approved for any other TExES exam.


Candidates must complete an online test preparation (provided by 240 Tutoring) by completing the diagnostic exam, participating in content modules, and achieving a 90% or better on a practice test before approval for any TExES exam. The program expects candidates to take the TExES exams within 14 days of completing the test preparation course and receiving approval.

If any required TExES exam is not passed, the Region 7 EPP requires the candidate to complete additional preparation (at the candidate's expense). The state requires a 30-day wait after an unsuccessful attempt at an exam. The program expects candidates to complete their preparation for the exam during that time and be registered to retake the exam on the 30th day (or the first time the exam is offered after the 30th day).