About Us » Our Strengths

Our Strengths

Our team boasts a wealth of strengths; chief among them is a combined experience of over 90 years, with each team member bringing perspectives from all levels of education. This extensive and diverse expertise serves as a cornerstone, fostering a rich pool of knowledge that enables us to approach challenges with a holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making. 
Additionally, our team's strong connection with the regional service center is a testament to our commitment to collaboration with over 100 ISD and Charters. This partnership not only amplifies our access to high-quality curriculum but also fortifies our ability to tailor solutions that resonate with the unique needs of our region. 
Our long-standing presence in East Texas and unwavering commitment to excellence position us as a formidable force, ready to prepare you with a depth of understanding and proficiency in education that only decades of combined experience can provide.
We provide unparalleled flexibility and convenience, enabling you to access content and participate in coursework from anywhere with an Internet connection.
After 20+ years of certifying teachers, we continue to revise our curriculum based on research-based practices and legislative requirements to meet the needs of future teachers. As an Education Service Center, we collaborate with our schools to promote quality instruction that maximizes student performance.
Using a cohort module, you will collaborate and network with specialists and other candidates attending the courses at similar times. Each candidate will also work one-on-one with a trained and experienced field supervisor to provide coaching, support, and resources through open and honest communication. Lastly, we offer training for your on-campus mentor assigned to support you throughout your internship.